Wednesday, November 16, 2016

This blog remains online, but it's not being updated anymore.

Instead, further updates are only taking place on my new website

See you there!

Thank you,

Antoni Maroto

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Jade 4U

I published this entry a year ago, but I realized I accidentally deleted it. Nonetheless, I am very grateful to bring it back, as I was able to recover it through a wonderful site called Thank you! =)

Jade 4U is probably the best known moniker of Belgian singer, lyricist and producer Nikkie Van LieropBorn in Germany in March 7th, 1963, she started her career in the late 1980's when she met Maurice Engelen (Praga Khan), with whom she collaborated on his solo career and co-founded electronic music acts such as 101Major ProblemShaktiLords of Acid, Digital OrgasmPhantasia, and M.N.O. While her early stuff is tagged as new beat, she later transitioned into techno.

Indeed, it was her techno band Lords of Acid that gave her the biggest success and recognition. She was one of the writers and producers of all albums from the beginning until she quit in 1999. In addition, she sang lead vocals on the albums "Lust" (1991) and "Our Little Secret" (1997), and backing vocals in "Voodoo-U" (1994). Although being already out of the band, she still had some input in the 2000 album "Farstucker."

Monday, July 18, 2016

Moving On

Today is the last day of a stage that started almost 15 years ago here in Catalonia: you will always be in my heart. I am eternally grateful for the whole experience...

And the next stage takes place in the United States of America: my new home!

I am not alone this time. I am very lucky to have my husband, Edgar Amaya, by my side ;-)

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Promoting Mediocrity

There is nothing wrong with being an average employee. Not everyone aspires to be in management for instance; there is, indeed, no room for everybody to climb the ladder.
So if people meet the requirements of their current jobs, they like the jobs and want no changes, it is perfectly fine. In fact, I could see why some people choose to remain like that. Suzanne Lucas explains it very well on her article "5 Reasons You Should Strive for Mediocrity," which I have summarized as it follows:

  1. It decreases our risk of being fired:
    When we do exactly what the boss asks to do, when we do not question anything, when we just keep your head down and say yes to everything... we do not get a target placed on our backs.
  2. We are not a threat to bad managers:
    Some managers cannot stand it when we are ambitious or smarter. They will do everything to cut us down and undermine us. By being mediocre, therefore, we do not threaten those managers, and our positions will be secure.
  3. No risk of failure:
    If we are presenting new ideas and challenging old ones, we could fail. Failure is embarrassing and depressing. It stinks. However, by just being adequate, we will surely not fail and, consequently, we will not have to face any shame.
  4. We can focus on our lives outside of work:
    If we want to spend more time with our families or on our hobbies, striving for mediocrity at work means we will surely have time for that. In doing this, we will not have to deal with late night phone calls, or weekends spent finishing up projects.

Some of us, however, want to do a better-than-average job and, if needed, be promoted accordingly. Even if that leads to change jobs several times in our lifetimes; even if that means we fail countless times in order to achieve our goals; even if we have less time to "enjoy life."
I have to say, though, that one will keep enjoying life to the fullest if the job is fulfilling. The most dangerous risk of all is, in fact, the risk of spending your life not doing what you want, on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


According to the Hebrew Calendar, today is Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day), the national day of Israel, which commemorates the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. It is usually celebrated on the 5th of Iyar.

The modern State of Israel was established as a homeland for the Jewish people, after mostly living in diaspora since the 2nd century CE (Common -or Christian- Era). The history of the country dates back to the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah, which emerged in the 9th and 8th centuries BCE (Before the Common -or Christian- Era), respectively. It is currently the world's only Jewish State and the Middle East's only democracy.
Israel's Law of Return gives Jews the right to live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship. Being a country of immigrants, its population is, therefore, constantly increasing: as of 2016, it totals more than 8 million people.

Israel is located at the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba (also known as Gulf of Eilat) in the Red Sea. It borders Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the southwest. The highest point in the country is Mount Hermon at 9,232 ft, while the lowest one is the Dead Sea at −1,407 ft. The Jordan River runs between these two points.

With more than 800,000 inhabitants, Jerusalem is the most populous city and the capital of Israel. However, this is disputed by many countries due to the fact that the eastern part of the city lies in the West Bank, which previously belonged to Jordan and has been administered by Israel since 1967, although it is a partly autonomous territory and it is currently claimed by the State of Palestine. This state also claims the Gaza strip, which previously belonged to Egypt and had been administered by Israel from 1967 until 2005 and is currently ruled by a terrorist group called Hamas.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Yom HaShoah is the Holocaust Remembrance Day. This day falls on the 27th of Nisan. The Gregorian equivalent, though, corresponds to tomorrow: May 5th, 2016.

The Holocaust or Shoah, which means catastrophe or utter destruction in Hebrew, refers to the atrocities that were committed against the Jewish people during World War II.

The Holocaust, from the Greek word meaning sacrifice by fire, was initiated by the members of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party, which seized power in Germany in 1933. The Nazis believed in a doctrine of racial superiority, centering around the idea that people of Northern European descent were somehow better than members of all other races – especially the Jews, who were "unworthy of life."

After taking power, the Nazis gradually restricted the rights of German Jewish citizens and encouraged their followers to commit acts of violence and destruction against Jews and their property. During World War II (1939-1945), the Nazis implemented their "final solution," which was a plan to concentrate and annihilate all European Jews.

Jews were first crammed together in ghettoes and slave-labor camps, where disease, brutality, and malnutrition ran rampant. Eventually, they were sent to death camps, where millions were murdered in special facilities designed to kill a tremendous number of people over a brief period of time.
In addition to the six million Jews who died - two-thirds of the European Jewish population – the Nazis also killed millions of others, including Roma (Gypsies) and Slavs, political and religious dissidents, the handicapped, and gays and lesbians.

Yom HaShoah is a memorial day for those who died in the Holocaust. In Israel, it starts at sundown in a state ceremony held in Warsaw Ghetto Square at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes Authority, in Jerusalem. Flags on public buildings are flown at half mast. At 10 AM, an air raid siren sounds throughout the country and Israelis are expected to observe two minutes of solemn reflection:

Monday, May 2, 2016

Penrose Steps

The Penrose Steps is a visual illusion that falls in the category of impossible objects, since it cannot be possible in three dimensions.

It is a two-dimensional depiction of a staircase in which the stairs make four 90-degree turns as they ascend or descend, yet form a continuous loop.

Along with the Kanizsa's Triangle and many more, I have always been a lover of optical illusions and impossible figures; not only because of their beauty, but also due to the interpretations one can make.
For instance, I believe the Penrose Steps represent how people sometimes get stuck in a loop, and fail to realize that one of the corners is closer to the ground, so one could actually jump, be safe and break a pattern.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Smoke Free For Two Years

I said I would do it some months ago, so here I am... writing this article to commemorate my second anniversary as an ex-smoker!!!

It is funny that I was writing about still "smoking in my dreams" some time earlier this year, because I do not recall that happening anymore since then.

Yes: it is possible to stay smoke-free. I have never felt, more alive and kicking! Indeed, I spoke about it on an interview by Tabex. Although I chose to quit cold turkey, I also believe in assisted ways to stop smoking.

On April 25th, 2014, I lit my last cigarette at 7 PM. I don't even recall finishing it. I remember, though, making a small pyre in which I burned all the items that were related to smoking, as well as the remaining cigarettes I still had.

The first month after quitting was the hardest one: I became Mr. Wild Mood Swings for a while. It was also the time in which the physical addiction was at its peak. I recall having trouble to focus my attention properly. From then on, the cravings started to happen less frequently. I wish I could tell you when was the last time I felt one, but I do not remember... so I am sorry about it! =)

On a positive note, I can tell that as soon as three days had passed since I quit, I had already started to feel more alive and less stressed. My body started to ask me to do physical exercise. For instance, I had always loved walking, but I started to do it every day: I would walk four miles from work to home.
I also started to enjoy a more satisfactory sexual life, as well as feeling cleaner and healthier overall. Furthermore, I have also felt how my body has been healing itself: less colds, less wrinkles, better looking skin, and more energy.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

2015, a year without smoking

Although I quit smoking on April 25th, 2014, this past year has been the one in which I consolidated this great achievement: 

2015, a year without smoking

This 2016 will include the second anniversary and, just like when I did for the first one, I will write about it.

Life continues to improve and feel better, even though my subconscious still portrays me smoking in some of my dreams. I actually like that this happens sometimes, because it acts as a reminder that it is wrong to cheat. Plus the feeling of relief is enormous when one realizes that it was only a dream.

In addition, some people ask me: 'Don't you ever do just one? Not even on special occasions, parties, when being very drunk..?'

My answer is honest, simple and clear: NO!

If I am claiming that I gave up smoking, this means that I am not doing it anymore. In fact, I already wrote that I am not giving my power to a substance that will do its best to control me from minute one.
Indeed, I have no interest at all on being able to control that substance, since I believe it is not possible. That is only an illusion. The true story is that tobacco is always controlling you; unless you decide to break the pattern, and the only way is to quit forever. That means having no more cigarettes: not even one!