Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Not long ago, I wrote an entry called "Books, Mayim and Vegetarianism", in which I mentioned that for this year's World Book Day I was given as a gift a Mayim Bialik book called "Mayim's Vegan Table".

This post, though, is not going to be about that awesome book, but about how I chose a colorful and tasty life as a vegetarian in 2007.

At age 9, I learned at school that vegetarians are those people who abstain from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, fish, seafood and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter - By the way, I do not intend to be bitchy, but all of you who eat a plant-based diet including fish and call yourselves vegetarians need to stop it: the term for you is pescetarians. Remember, please, that vegetarians do not eat animals.

I was raised as an omnivorous person and I kept that way until October 2007. Until then, I had been incorporating more and more plant-based foods and restricting meat and poultry consumption for some months. I have always been a picky person when it comes to eating, even from young age.
At first, my goal was not to become, indeed, a vegetarian, as I believed one needed to eat fish to stay healthy. Nonetheless, I was never fond of fish or anything that came from rivers, lakes or the ocean.
And once I learned that fish are not needed as food, I was very happy to become a vegetarian.

READ: Fish Are Not Plants

Although health was my main drive to go vegetarian at first, I still had to learn a lot in order to do it good and enjoy it. As with curiosity comes knowledge, I learned how food is produced and the toll it takes on natural resources. Therefore, I decided I wanted to contribute to it as less as possible, because it did not feel right: neither to animals that want to continue living as long as possible in the best conditions, nor to a planet that is getting exhausted by over-functioning.

It is one of the best choices I have ever made in my life: it is easy, it is delicious and it feels great.

Am I then encouraging everybody to be vegetarian?

The answer is no. I am just introducing you to a fact of my life, which I consider very important.

Nonetheless, I believe people need to think twice before they eat for the reasons I mentioned above in this article. That is why, I invite you to watch the next video:

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